Being hit by a negligent driver and then seeing them speed away after the accident can be stressful, frustrating, and worrisome. What will happen with your bills and damages? Who will be held liable for your losses and suffering? Fortunately, the Texas penal code protects you from many of the different losses that such careless parties inflict on innocent victims and if you are one such victim of a hit and run accident, you can file for compensation.

Our Arcola auto accident lawyers have years of experience in representing injured parties and, irrespective of the complexity of your claim, you can count on us for favorable results.

What Is a Hit and Run Accident?

A hit and run accident is most easily be defined as a driver being involved in a vehicle accident and fleeing from the scene before identifying himself/herself properly to others affected by the accident or offering necessary help to people in need. When an accident occurs, the law requires drivers to:

Filing a Hit and Run Lawsuit

Before signing anything or speaking to anyone regarding your hit and run accident, it’s recommended that you first consult with a reliable auto accident lawyer. Our attorneys will walk you through the entire claims process and protect you from low-ball settlements from the insurance companies responsible for covering and paying for the accident. Prior to settling on an attorney, however, doing the following after the accident will strengthen your claim:

Hit and Run Accident Penalties

Tracking Down a Hit and Run Driver

If you were unable to capture identification details of the hit and run vehicle, our attorneys will help you gather material evidence, prove fault, and get you the maximum compensation from the at-fault motorist. Our sources of evidence in such cases include:

How Much Is a Hit and Run Accident Claim Worth in Arcola?

The nature of hit and run accidents differ, and thus there is no compensation value that applies to all claims. However, with a network of financial evaluators and medical experts, we can engage these professionals to determine the extent of your losses and the maximum compensation they are worth. Our lawyers will seek compensation from:

Once we determine the best compensation avenue for your claim, our lawyers will aggressively negotiate to get you full compensation for:

Act Fast!

Texas has statutes of limitation for people filing personal injury lawsuits. If you wait too long before filing your claim, you might not be allowed to seek compensation at all. We know how intimidating the legal process can be, but you don’t have to do it on your own. Call us today at (713) 677-2159 for a free and confidential evaluation and discussion of your case with a seasoned attorney at law. We are here to help you so call now.