No matter how careful you are on the road, an accident can happen at any time. Too often we see cases of personal injury and property damage sustained by innocent victims in traffic accidents, commonly in the form of a rear-end crash. Of the several thousand rural and urban crashes in Texas every year, a leading cause of injury and vehicle damage are rear-end collisions.

These types of accidents are not only sudden, unexpected, and generally not the fault of the driver of the vehicle that was struck from behind, but they can lead to long-term financial losses and physical injury.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a rear-end collision, whether you or they were in the vehicle that was struck or in a vehicle that struck another vehicle from behind, call our team of expert auto accident attorneys to discuss your case. We will walk you through the legal rules, time limits, evidence requirements, and processing steps you need to know in order to either file a claim for injuries and damages from an at-fault party or limit your liability for the damages caused in the accident.

What Causes Rear-End Collisions?

Rear-end collisions can happen in many different ways. Most notably, we see rear-end accidents happen in the following scenarios:

Types of Injuries Commonly Seen in Rear-End Collision Cases

The nature of rear-end collisions means vehicle drivers and passengers are subject to sudden force and abrupt movements that are somewhat different from a front-end accident. The most common injuries and damages that result from such accidents include:

Fault and Compensation For Rear-End Collisions

The fault for rear-end accidents is almost always placed on the vehicle in the rear, regardless of how abruptly the vehicle in front came to a stop. Sudden stops add to the impact factor and the resultant damages and injuries that such accidents bring about, and they also lead to a great deal of litigation in the accident space because assigning fault for a rear-end collision can be tricky.

Depending on who is in the vehicle at the time, the speed at which an accident occurs, and the size of the vehicle that strikes you from behind, the injuries and damages that arise from a rear-end collision can range from minor. For minor injuries and damages, you can potentially seek damages from the at-fault party’s personal insurance cover via the insuring company’s online claims portal.

For more serious injuries and damages, speak with a lawyer because insurance companies will try harder to refuse you a damages settlement the higher your expected settlement is. They will resort to shady practices, including intimidation and delay tactics, to have you back down from your claim or altogether miss a filing deadline.

An experienced auto accident attorney will handle such threats and tactics professionally and will have your claim filed on time, with the required evidence, and with the right agencies, and will keep you in the loop every step of the way so that you know where your case stands and what is needed of you to secure a fast and fair settlement.

Call Us Today to Speak with a Houston Accident Lawyer

With a team of seasoned experts just a call away, we can help you in your rear-end accident case. We will help you file a damages claim against any and all responsible parties for your rear-end collision case to ensure that you are compensated fully for all damages and injuries that you suffered.

Call us now at (713) 677-2159 for a professional evaluation of the facts of your claim and to learn about how much your claim is worth. Don’t worry about fees; we charge nothing up-front and only charge fees once we have successfully recovered compensation for you. Call now.