The stronger your claim is, the more likely an insurance company will be willing to settle with you for it, and the more likely it will prevail in court should your claim go that far. To improve your chances of success, start building your car accident case earlier and give our Richmond area car accident lawyers the opportunity to represent you.

As you look for a car accident attorney, you should not have to choose between an attorney who is good at negotiation settlements and a lawyer who is skilled and experienced. We are here to serve you with our team of Richmond, TX car accident attorneys who possess all of these skills.

How We Help You

When you have one of our car accident attorneys working on your case, a top negotiator is sent to fight for your full settlement. If the case goes to trial, you will need a lawyer who is experienced and conversant with Richmond, TX accident laws to seek justice on your behalf, and we will provide you with the right legal expert and courtroom representative that your case deserves.

Richmond Auto Accident Claim Process

Auto accident proceedings generally undergo five major steps before compensation can be won for an accident. All of these steps require access to investigative resources, Richmond-specific legal knowledge, and advocacy skills that are crucial for finalizing a settlement and winning the compensation and damages that are fair to you. These steps are as below.

1. Investigating The Accident And Its Effects

By working with accident reconstruction professionals, our Richmond auto accident team will fully investigate your accident, document its causes, and assign liability to all responsible parties.

2. Identifying Possible Compensation Sources

Our car accident attorneys have a deep understanding of insurance policies and claims procedures and will maximize your insurance compensation from all possible sources, including:

3. Identifying Your Rehabilitation And Medical Service Needs

Our Richmond, TX car accident attorneys will hold discussions with your doctor to determine the extent of your current and future medical needs resulting from the accident. This will enable you to seek financial compensation that will actually cover you for your injuries.

4. Placing an Accurate Figure on the Value of Losses And Suffering

Our attorneys will calculate the sum of medical costs, pain, suffering, and all other non-economic losses to include in your claim.

5. Settlement Negotiations And Trial Representation

Insurance companies are powerful businesses that have access to vast financial resources that they use to safeguard their profits. Without experienced legal representation, your chances of winning a claim against an army of claim adjusters and lawyers whose main focus is minimizing the size of claims are slim to none. Our Richmond car accident attorney team knows how insurance companies think and will use this knowledge to anticipate the strategies that the insurance companies will take in limiting your financial recovery.

We know how to negotiate claims to get you or a loved one their maximum legally allowed compensation. Our experience in Richmond courts will also play a crucial role in pursuing your case in the best way possible in the event of a trial. Our lawyers have a proven track record of winning Richmond car accident cases and are here to help you.

Why Choose Richmond, TX Car Accident Attorneys?

Houston Car Accident News

Another Hit-and-Run Case Involving a Child in Fort Bend

Police in Fort Bend County are looking for a blue Camaro that is responsible for the hit and run accident of a 3-year-old boy on Tuesday. The incident occurred around 5:00 p.m. Tuesday evening near the intersection of Jan Street and Avenue C in Fort Bend County. According to officials, Life Flight was called to transport the child to an area hospital. No word has been released about the child’s condition. The accident remains under investigation by law enforcement. The person driving the car that hit this child is guilty of several felonies and will face some very serious charges.

The hitting of an innocent child is bad enough, but the penalties will be even greater for the driving having left the scene of an accident.  The state of Texas takes hit and run case very seriously. Since this case involves a child, once this person is finally caught there is little doubt that the court will side with the family. Every year, hundreds of children are hit and seriously injured or killed by automobiles. Some of these tragedies occur because a driver simply didn’t see the child. Whether it was a lack of awareness, fear or apathy that caused this driver to fail to stop after hitting the child will make very little difference in the eyes of the law.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, you need to have solid legal counsel on your side. Giving our offices a call can help insure that someone is fighting on your side. When you call our office, we will match you with the legal professional who can best handle your case. Our attorneys will sit down with you and discuss your case. Most importantly, we have years of experience in the Houston area and have successfully argued accident cases in the Texas courts. Call us now so that that you can get the compensation and peace of mind that you and your family deserve.

Talk To A Richmond Auto Accident Lawyer Today About Your Case

Contact us now to schedule a free consultation and discuss the options you have. Our team can meet you in our Richmond offices, the hospital, or even at your home. Call us today at (713) 677-2159. Based on the nature of your case, you pay no legal fees until all your damages are recovered.