Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

Image from KHUF.org
According to a recent news report, recent studies have shown that Houston in particular and Texas in general, is one of the worst states for pedestrian accidents. The Centers for Disease control showed that 47,000 pedestrians were killed between 2001 and 2010. In 2011, 418 pedestrians were killed in Texas, and 83 of those happened in Harris County. The major reason for these deaths is that there is a lack of sidewalks throughout the city, as well as a lack of pedestrian crossing signals and warnings. The elderly are particularly vulnerable to getting hit by cars while crossing the road. Their reaction times aren’t as good as a younger person, and their senses may not be able to pick up the signals that a car is coming. This leads to a very fatal mixture that leads to tragic accidents across the country. Here are some ways you can help prevent pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians
- Cross only at crosswalks. Jaywalking isn’t just illegal, but it’s a major cause for pedestrian accidents.
- If there’s no sidewalk, try to walk on the shoulder as best as you can.
- Wear conspicuous clothing, especially at night. If you must walk in a particularly dark area, wear reflective tape.
- Walk against the flow of traffic. This will allow you to see cars coming from far away so you can react.
- When crossing at an intersection, look far enough to the side to check the corners for pedestrians.
- Stop your car at intersections well before the crosswalk.
- Keep your brakes and tires in good condition so you don’t slip into the crosswalk.
- Be sure to give yourself enough stopping distance in wet conditions.
- Use your horn if you have to alert pedestrians.
- Above all, be patient with pedestrians. They do have the right of way.
If you get in an accident with a pedestrian, most of the time it will be the fault of the driver due to right of way laws. If you get into an accident as a pedestrian, call our offices right away so we can get the facts of your case and represent you in court. Pedestrian injuries can be quite severe even in low-speed accidents. You’ll want to make sure that you get full compensation for your injuries, before it is too late to report them to the authorities. See your doctor to get a full analysis of your injuries, then call our offices. We’ll be glad to help.