What Car Insurance Policy is Right for You?

Before you purchase a car, it is important that you have the insurance you need to protect you in case of an accident. Regardless of what type you choose, you should purchase as much coverage as possible, even if it exceeds the minimum, to be sure that you are well-protected if you get in a car accident and are injured. It is also important to note that, with this coverage, you are always limited to the terms and conditions listed specifically in your policy.

Here are the different types of insurance coverage available, and what they mean for you:

What can Bodily Injury Liability (BI) do for you?

What can Property Damage Liability (PD) do for you?

What can Comprehensive Coverage (COMP) do for you?

What can Collision Coverage (COLL) do for you?

What can Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage do for you?

What can Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UIM) coverage do for you?

What can Personal Injury Protection Coverage (PIP or No-Fault) do for you?