Helmet Saves Motorcyclist’s Life

A motorcyclist was airlifted to the hospital after slamming into a fence near his home in the Katy area according to Harris County Sheriff’s deputies. The accident occurred around 1 a.m. when the motorcyclist took a curve on Masters Manor Lane at a high rate of speed. The motorcycle hit the curb, sending it and the rider airborne and into a fence. According to Sheriff’s deputies, the motorcycle was travelling at a high enough rate of speed that it bounced off the fence and slid nearly 50 yards.

If you or someone you love has been involved in and injured in a motorcycle accident, you may need legal representation. Medical costs, damages and other legal matters can best be addressed through the advice of competent attorneys with experience. Give us a call and we can introduce you to the best attorney to meet your needs. We can outline options for your specific case and file any necessary paperwork. Give us a call today.