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Houston Potholes Injure Police Officer

Potholes along the Hempstead Highway are being cited by Houston Police as being the case of an officer crashing his police cruiser late Sunday night. According to Houston Police, the accident happened just shortly before 11 p.m. near W. Tidwell. The officer had been responding to a home burglary call when he struck several potholes in the road, which caused the officer to lose control of his patrol car. The police cruiser spun around and struck another vehicle in the opposite lane before going into a ditch. According to official reports, the officer was not injured in the accident, however, a male passenger in the other car that was struck by the police cruiser did complain of dizziness. The passenger was taken to an area hospital. There are times when it is difficult to sort out the actual cause of an accident or who may have been at fault. Every automobile accident has within it, a specific set of circumstances along with the injuries, damage and losses. While many accidents may be caused by the negligence of the driver, a good attorney will know what is needed to help get to the bottom of a case because they understand the law and will do what is necessary to unravel the underlying cause of an accident. A good attorney can also hire investigators to look into the root cause of an accident and determine who is ultimately liable for the accident. As in this particular accident, it could be that a roadway is deemed unsafe because of poor construction, design or maintenance. If a road has had previous issues such as poor design, improper construction, neglect or lack of maintenance, inadequate signs, signals or any other kind of defects, these can be a contributing factor in the cause of an accident that results in serious injuries or even death. Liabilities can be traced to a privately owned road construction companies who have constructed the roadway or street. These liabilities can also be traced to cities or even to the State. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident due to road defects or poor design, you need to have a good attorney on your side. Your lawyer can make the difference in the type of insurance settlement you receive for any damages or injuries. When a person is injured in an accident, such accidents often have high medical costs attached to them. Factors such as loss of work, pain and suffering or the tragedy of funeral cost can all play a part on how a settlement needs to be handled. When you call our offices, one of our attorneys will be there to help you find the best resources and courses of action suited to your situation. A meeting with us is confidential and without cost or obligation.

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