How To Make Your Auto Insurance Protect You Better
It’s a requirement to carry liability insurance on your vehicle to drive in Texas, but this is just the minimum coverage. There are three addons to auto insurance you might consider to give yourself extra protection. KHOU explains.
The first recommended item is personal injury protection. While liability protection pays for the costs of the other driver in an accident, personal injury protection, or PIP, helps pay for your costs. Paying a little extra for this each month can save you thousands if you need to go to the hospital after an accident, especially if you don’t have health insurance.
The next item is uninsured motorist coverage. If you get in an accident and the other driver doesn’t have insurance or assets, it’s hard to get any money from them to compensate you. Uninsured motorist coverage pays you if the other driver does not have insurance or cannot be found, like in a hit-and-run situation.
Finally, roadside assistance. This is useful even when you’re not in a crash. You can call tow drivers and get roadside repairs for free depending on your policy. The cost of saving you one tow can pay for this coverage for a long while.
Most important is to have insurance in the first place. It’s illegal to drive without it, and if you get hurt in an accident you’ll face all the costs if you don’t have it.