Pickup Collides with Cement Truck in Fatal Accident

Credit: David D.
One person has been killed Monday morning after their pickup truck collided into a cement truck in northeast Harris County. The accident happened at around 10:50 a.m. at the intersection of Bohemian Hall and FM 1942. Law enforcement said in a statement that the driver of the pickup truck was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, while a female passenger in the pickup truck was transported to Memorial Herman Hospital in Houston. Her condition has not been released. The cement truck driver was also transported to the hospital with minor injuries. Accidents involving large trucks can be devastating or even deadly. Every year thousands of motorists are either critically injured or killed in accidents involving trucks and smaller passenger vehicles. Sometimes such accidents are due to the negligent operation of drivers. Motorists who drive passenger vehicles such as cars or pickup trucks simply do not have the size advantage that many construction, work or even semi-trucks have while travelling on streets, highways and other roadways. Many factors can play into the cause of an accident such as reckless driving, improper driver training, mechanical failures, unsecured loads, or a driver that is over-fatigued or overworked. Cement or mixer trucks are also considered heavy-duty vehicles. They are designed to quickly deliver mixed cement or concrete to a construction site, and in a very limited amount of time. Because of the nature of cement or concrete, the materials being mixed in the truck must be delivered to their destination within 90 minutes after being loaded in order to prevent it from hardening. . Cement trucks, unfortunately can be involved in very serious or even fatal accidents if there is the any kind of negligence or even a slight mishap occurs. Cement trucks tend to have a very high center of gravity, and will often weigh anywhere between 25 to 60 tons when fully loaded. In a collision, the liquid cement can also pour out onto the highway and cause accidents that involve other drivers and their vehicles. A cement truck, unlike other vehicles, can flip over at speeds as low as 5 miles per hour when making a 92 degree turn. Because it is generally considered to be routine that cement truck drivers have to make the 90-minute delivery window, the potential for an accident becomes that much greater. The driver of a mixer or cement truck is required in most states to have a Class A driver’s license since they carry loads that are 26,000 pounds or greater. Class A driver’s licenses have very specific requirements including passing tests which cover:
- A CDL Road Test
- Air Brakes
- Pre-Trip Inspections
- General Knowledge Testing
- Combination Vehicle Testing
- Basic Skills Testing
- Testing for Applicable Endorsements
While getting a license of this kind does call for rigorous testing, this in no way insures that the driver that gets behind the wheel of a cement truck has enough experience. When the driver is not experienced or well-trained, or they violate safety regulations that were learned during training, the odds of an accident occurring are even greater. If you or a loved one has been involved in and suffered as the result of an accident involving a heavy work truck such as a cement mixer or other heavy work truck, give our offices a call. We will match you with an attorney who will listen to the details of your case and will outline several options to pursue. We are dedicated to working for our clients and will make every effort that trucking and construction companies that are careless in their operations are held accountable. Medical costs, long term treatment and rehabilitation and ongoing medical costs as well as pain and suffering or wrongful death can all be a part of your accident claim. We are here to help you. Give us a call today. Your initial consultation with our law offices is confidential, free, and without obligation.