Two Trucks Collide with Train
The Splendora Fire Department was quickly called to the scene of an accident recently after two trucks collided with a train. Authorities said that both of the drivers of the trucks were transported to a local hospital where they received medical attention. The men are currently recovering from their injuries. The two-vehicle accident happened early Saturday morning at or near 5:40 AM on Highway 59 and East River Road. A Dodge 3500 and Ford F-150 collided on the railroad crossing just east of the intersection. Dispatchers attempted to warn the railroad officials that the trucks were on the tracks and inoperable shortly before the rain rammed into both vehicles. Reports indicated that the doors on the Dodge truck were jammed shut. The driver, however, was able to escape the truck before it was struck by the speeding train. The force of the collision caused the cab of the Dodge 3500 to be ripped from its frame and thrown several feet into the air. Firefighters who responded to the accident also said that the cab went into the air nearly as high as the top of the train engine. Authorities have yet to release the names of either driver of the trunks, but did reveal that both drivers were taken to Kingwood Hospital. They were reported to be in satisfactory condition. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) three out of four crashes occur within 25 miles of a motorist’s home. And nearly 50 percent of all crashes occur within five miles of home. A calculation of NHTSA statistics on the rate of deaths per collision in vehicle/vehicle crashes versus the FRA statistics of deaths per collision in vehicle/train crashes reveals that a motorist is nearly 20 times more likely to be killed in a crash involving a train than in a collision involving another motor vehicle. Contact our offices if you or someone you know is involved in a vehicle accident.