Investigators Release More Findings In February’s Pileup
Last February, a massive pileup involving 130 vehicles happened on I-35. Federal investigators are looking into the incident to see how the city prepared for the icy conditions. Here is their latest report, according to the Houston Chronicle.
Six people died in the gigantic crash. Two of those people died because they had left their vehicles and got struck by other cars caught in the ice trap. The line of crashed cars stretched nearly the length of four football fields in the southbound toll lanes of I-35, which has a speed limit of 75 mph.
Prior to the crash, the area had been below freezing for 36 hours. North Tarrant Express Mobility Partners is the company responsible for maintaining the toll road and had treated the road with a de-icing product two days before the cold snap. They also displayed warning signs about the icy conditions on the day of the accident.
The purpose of the investigation is to study if the road treatment strategies used by the state and Tarrant Express were sufficient to meet safety regulations. This report does seem to show that Tarrant Express did take some preventative action before the incident happened. The investigation is still continuing.
Ice is rare in Houston, but it can happen. If you find yourself having to travel on ice, take it very slow and never slam the brakes.